While I was in hospital I kept a diary, good job really as I’d never have remembered half the things that happened.
I’ll write down what I entered into my diary
Monday 1st January 2007
“Not a very good start to the year. I’m petrified about the operation”
( my first ever operation, never had children, broke a limb, nothing)
Tuesday 2nd January 2007
“I’m getting picked up by hospital transport at 2pm. I tried to eat some toast to line mt tum but couldn’t.
I arrived on the ward at 2.30 had 3 bourbon biscuits and a cup of tea, at 4pm they gave me some piclax, a fantastic invention that cleans you out completely
No food from now on and no drink after midnight. I’m more terrified now
Mr Russell the Anesthetist, came to speak to me about the pain relief etc. I agreed to be a type of guinea pig.
Basically they’re trying a new thing. When I went down for surgery they stuck a thing on my forehead that felt like a brush, I could feel bristles. They also put on a extra type of cuff to my arm along with the usual blood pressure cuff.
These apparently, send signals to the brain and make it possible for those round the operating table, to keep a close check that I don’t get pumped up with too many drugs or wake up through the operation.
It worked, I don’t remember a thing! And wasn’t sick the whole of my stay in hospital, which a nurse (Penny) said is very unusual after such a big operation."
Wednesday 3rd January 2007
“I woke really early but was the last to go to theatre. I finally went at 2.15pm and had all my pipes attached by 2.30pm. I had an epidural and drip tubes fitted. I arrived back on the ward at 4.30pm, felt ok but the caphiter is a weird thing, feels odd to be able to wee in my bed, hehe
Now feeling nervous about the outcome.”
Thursday 4th January 2007
“Five of us had the operation yesterday and we all had a restless night last night. We had our blood pressure taken every hour.
They tried to get me out of bed this afternoon and I fainted, the rest of the day I slept.
The drip was taken off this afternoon”
Friday 5th January 2007
“Another bad night, restless all night. Mr Young, the Consultant came and told me I had cysts on both ovaries so he removed ovaries, oventum and womb. As he took away one of the ovaries the skin was very thin and it burst inside me. I have an appointment on 25th January for a pathology report. I will need chemotherapy.
I feel devastated
The caphiter was taken out at 10 tonight.”
Saturday 6th January 2007
“It felt odd walking un aided, had a shower, had a poo, which stopped lots of cramps”
Sunday 7th January 2007
“Woke at 3am, I feel real down, can’t stop crying”
Monday 8th January 2007
“Going home today.
Popped into work on the way home and they all said how well I looked, I feel awful, really awful, I must have put on a good act! It’s weird not been able to do anything”
Tuesday 9th January 2007
“I had a fantastic nights sleep only woke at 7.20am. Wasn’t too bad climbing the stairs either.
Cried a lot as I’m dreading losing my hair”
Wednesday 10th January 2007
“District nurse came today to take my 15 big metal stitches out, alls well apparently. Had a little walk around the block, was nice to get some fresh air.”
Thursday 25th January 2007
“Saw Mr Young at outpatients, he’s happy with my stitches healing”
Thursday 1st February 2007
“ My 43rd Birthday!
Saw Dr Hamid about starting chemotherapy, he said I’ll be starting it in 2 or 3 weeks time.. So so scared”
Monday 5th February 2007
“I got a phone call today, I start Chemotherapy this coming Thursday!!”
Wednesday 7th February 2007
“ I had my bloods done and they got sent away ready for chemo tomorrow”
uff. I wish I'd known you then! Just to cheer you up a bit.